Dec 13, 2023
I recently enjoyed a magical trip through Yellowstone and Wyoming. I share about my journey and some reflections along the way in this episode.
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Nov 22, 2023
People often end up limiting their emotional experience to a handful of flavors. These could be unpleasant ones that they default into and/or favorite ones that they chase. This approach disconnects us from a lot of the opportunity of the human experience and tends to promote some health challenges along the way.
Nov 1, 2023
Most of us receive little or no training in how to use our psychic and intuitive abilities to effectively support our lives. The default can be hypervigilance even when we’re enjoying excellent safety. In this podcast, I talk about how to redirect your third eye to maintain appropriate situation awareness, while...
Oct 11, 2023
Our best qualities can also, if left unsupervised and allowed to run amok, be the qualities that most damage our relationships. In this podcast I pull from some recent moments in my own life exploring Destined for Doom ways of relating that we may feel are actually likely to create success, no matter how much evidence...
Sep 20, 2023
I’d like to offer some insight on navigating weight loss with self-compassion. The less struggle we can bring to lifestyle changes, the more sustainable they become. As it happens, I wrote up some really cool show notes when I first recorded this, but I’m in the Yellowstone area when this is due for release and my...