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Tap into your intuitive wisdom and unlock the potential for magic in everyday life.  Reignite your personal power! In this shamanism podcast, with Katie Weatherup, a former engineer-turned-shamanic practitioner with more than 20 years of experience, you can achieve spiritual fulfillment and while upleveling your practical results in health, relationships, and money! Join me each month for a new episode that will help you to discover the most fulfilled version of yourself.  Enjoy the Practical Shamanism Podcast today!

Dec 23, 2020

Codependent overgiving feels icky and exhausting.  But did you know that energetically sensitive people are more vulnerable to codependent dynamics?  In addition to all the psychological reasons, the child who is sensitive to energy feels other people’s unhappiness.  And, since we don’t train people in...

Dec 9, 2020

Get the details of the protocol!  My guides have a powerful approach to dismantling addiction in a way that shifts away from being at war with yourself.  While long-term, abstinence may be the path of peace, in the short term, interrupting the automatic flow and making a healthier deal with yourself around engaging...