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Tap into your intuitive wisdom and unlock the potential for magic in everyday life.  Reignite your personal power! In this shamanism podcast, with Katie Weatherup, a former engineer-turned-shamanic practitioner with more than 20 years of experience, you can achieve spiritual fulfillment and while upleveling your practical results in health, relationships, and money! Join me each month for a new episode that will help you to discover the most fulfilled version of yourself.  Enjoy the Practical Shamanism Podcast today!

Apr 10, 2024

If you’re hurt and angered by unsolicited criticism, you come by it honestly through human biology.  It activates our instincts.  In the modern world, we navigate so many intrusive opinions about how we live our lives coming from people who aren’t stakeholders in how we do life.

Having a well-thought-out personal policy about who is and isn’t invited to give advice, feedback, reflection, or criticism is useful in being able to navigate these situations effectively.  Then we can fast track soothing our instincts and coming back to center, rather than ruminating on triggered, distorted reflections from unqualified sources.  In our important relationships, it is vital to understand how we impact the other person directly, but we can still have boundaries about what opinions beyond their direct experience are invited.

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Sound editing by Kevin Young.  You can reach him at

DISCLAIMER: The suggestions and information provided here are intended for personal growth and exploration. The content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition.  

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